Monday, December 19, 2011

'Breaking Dawn,' 'Harry Potter' Lead MTV Year-End Polls

'Hunger Games' wins Most Anticipated Movie of 2012.
By Eric Ditzian

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in "Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 1"
Photo: Summit Entertainment

For last few weeks, guilds, associations and critics' groups have been doling out year-end honors to the likes of "The Artist" and "The Descendants." Boring!

MTV Movies, by contrast, has been running a series of fan-voted polls to get to the bottom of what 2011 was really all about. Which film delivered 2011's finest sex scene? Which set was most successfully stalked by the paparazzi? Between flashing his abs and breaking up street fights, what was truly Ryan Gosling's best moment of the year? These were among the questions put to fans in poll form, and the response was staggering. Millions of votes were cast. Comment sections lit up with equal parts enthusiasm and vitriol.

Now, without further ado, it's time to reveal the winners.

Best Ensemble: "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1"
Of all our Best of 2011 polls, the race for Best Ensemble was the most contentious. Though five films were in the running ("Bridesmaids," "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2," "Breaking Dawn," "Horrible Bosses" and "The Help"), it was a photo finish between the wizards of Hogwarts and the supernaturals of Forks. After nearly 2 million votes cast, Bella, Edward and co. were the vampire victors by a narrow .13 percent margin. — Amy Wilkinson

Best Sex Scene: "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1"
The sauciest and most titillating of our Best Of polls pitted beloved Bella and Edward against some "Bridesmaids," Justin Timberlake and "Immortals," not to mention a whole lot of Michael Fassbender. Let's be honest, there's no loser when it comes to Best Sex Scene, but the headboard-breaking, pillow-shredding one in "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn- Part 1" was almost a guaranteed winner from the start. Fans told us they were excited about the big moment way back in July, and if their enthusiasm wasn't apparent then, the boatloads of votes they cast in this poll were loud and clear. — Kara Warner

Best Movie Robot: Optimus Prime, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon"
It doesn't take genius artificial intelligence to determine which movie robot was your favorite from 2011. Despite strong showings from the likes of '80s Robot from "The Muppets" and "Real Steel" boxing champ Atom, it was fearless Autobot leader Optimus Prime that stole the show with over 60 percent of the vote. Breaking out early with a healthy lead, no one stood a chance against the "Transformers" icon. Our only real regret with this category — and really, how could anyone regret a Best Movie Robots category? — is not sticking in Megatron and seeing what kind of damage the Decepticon warlord could have done here. Our money would still be on Prime, naturally. — Josh Wigler

Best Dressed: Kristen Stewart, "Breaking Dawn - Part 1"
It's hard to deny that a film was the "Best Dressed" of the year when you consider that one of its most anticipated moments wasn't a moment at all, but a wedding dress. And when the secret was finally out, it was everywhere. Designers made pricey replicas, a more affordable version and even prom dresses inspired by the long-sleeved gown Stewart wore. Not even Ryan Gosling and his suits could take away Bella's special day. — Kevin Sullivan

Best Superhero: Magneto, "X-Men: First Class"
Looks like you folks enjoy your heroes a bit on the morally gray side, as Erik "Magneto" Lehnsherr of "X-Men: First Class" fame cleaned up this category with a strong 42.9 percent lead. In the end, as awesome as runners-up Thor and Captain America are (it wasn't even close for Green Lantern or Green Hornet), there's just no denying the Oscar-caliber work Michael Fassbender put into Magneto, a performance that matches — and even exceeds, in some views — Ian McKellan's fabulous interpretation from the previous "X-Men" films. Sounds like a ringing endorsement for a "Magneto: Nazi Hunter" prequel to "First Class" to us! — J.W.

Best Couple: Bella and Edward, "Breaking Dawn - Part 1"
Much like our Best Ensemble poll, Best Couple boiled down to a face-off between "Harry Potter" and "Breaking Dawn." Would Ron and Hermione's romance cast a spell over voters? Or would Bella and Edward's epic vampire sex be unbeatable? In the end, it was indeed the hot honeymooners who prevailed, feathers flying. — A.W.

Best Set Stalking: "The Dark Knight Rises"
"The Dark Knight Rises" kept no secrets about what was happening down on Wall Street this past fall. It was all-out war between Batman and Bane, and it was all too big to hide. That wasn't the only set-stalking goodness, though. Not only did we get to see the two-man army duking it out, but we got an early glimpse of Catwoman that didn't exactly have people purring and a brand-new ride for the Caped Crusader. Now all we have to do is figure out what the hell that bomb-like thing was. — K.S.

Best Ryan Gosling Moment: Ab flash, "Crazy, Stupid, Love"
Those who've been following the Gos will likely agree that 2011 has been a banner year for the Golden Globe-nominated Hollywood heartthrob. The Best Ryan Gosling moment nominees included inspiring a protest against People magazine's choice of Sexiest Man Alive, his hilarious acknowledgement/ reenactment of popular Internet meme F--- Yeah! Ryan Gosling, flashing some killer abs in "Crazy, Stupid, Love," the gruesome and chilling head stompage in "Drive," and that time he broke up a street fight in NYC (about which he later admitted he was embarrassed). The Gosling-loving masses have spoken and they like their man best ... shirtless. — K.W.

Most Likely to Win Best Picture: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2"
Last week, the Screen Actors Guild and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association dealt blows to the final "Potter" film's chances of nabbing an Oscar nomination for Best Picture. No matter! Voters in our poll selected "Deathly Hallows, Part 2" to win Oscar's top prize. It wasn't even close. "The Artist," generally considered the Best Picture front-runner, placed a distant second behind the boy wizard and his wand-waving pals. "The Descendants," another Oscar fave, came in dead last. And while "Potter" won't prove as popular with Oscar voters as it will with MTV voters, the franchise denouement could still sneak in a Best Picture nomination; experts who track the situation closely suggest a Producers Guild of America nod could clear the way. — Eric Ditzian

Most Anticipated Movie of 2012: "The Hunger Games"
In one of the bigger upsets of these end-of-year polls, Katniss KO'd Bella (Batman, Spider-Man and Snow White, too). Not bad work for a character who hasn't even been seen on the big screen yet. The approaching year is easily the most exciting in recent memory; when "The Hobbit," "The Amazing Spider-Man" and a new Bond film don't even crack the top three you know 2012 is shaping up to be a cinematic year for the ages. What's more, the "Hunger Games" win has got to come as welcome news to Lionsgate as the studio prepares to launch a new YA-adapted franchise the same year as the "Twilight Saga" finishes up its box-office run. — E.D.

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