Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Eminem Beats Lady Gaga, Rihanna To 60 Million Facebook Fans

Rapper now has more Facebook "likes" than any other living person.
By Gil Kaufman

<P>If you had to guess which artist has the most Facebook "likes," who would you guess? <a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/lady_gaga/artist.jhtml">Lady Gaga?</a> <a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/bieber_justin/artist.jhtml">Justin Bieber?</a> <a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/jackson_michael/artist.jhtml">Michael Jackson?</a> Close, but no cigar.</P><P><a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/eminem/artist.jhtml">Eminem</a> recently set the record for the most Likes by a living person with 60.1 million, blowing past the competition and landing at #5 on the list of the top 10 Facebook pages.</P><P>According to the <a href="http://pagedata.appdata.com/pages/leaderboard/fc/fan_count" target="_blank">App Data</a> page, Eminem is picking up close to 179,000 new Likes a week (or 26,854 a day), edging out <a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/rihanna/artist.jhtml/">Rihanna,</a> who has 59.4 million Likes and is gaining around 167,000 "likes" per week pace (or 22,141 a day).</P><P>The only things blocking the 39-year-old Detroit MC's path to the top are the kinds of wildly popular time suckers that are hard for any flesh-and-blood superstar to pass: YouTube (61.2 million), Texas HoldEm Poker (63.8 million), Facebook itself (70.3 million) and the Facebook for Every Phone page (117.5 million).</P><P>Where do his fellow pop stars land? Shakira is #8 on the list with 53.3 million Likes (just below "The Simpsons" with 53.8 million), then Lady Gaga at #9 (53 million) and Jackson at #10 (51.1 million). Bieber is down at #15 (45.7 million), just ahead of Katy Perry (#16, 45.5 million), Linkin Park (#17, 44.2 million) and Lil Wayne (#20, 39.8 million). You didn't ask, but we'll tell you that MTV is at #27 (36 million).</P><P>Slim Shady might be the Facebook king, but he has quite a way to go when it comes to ruling the Twitter universe. That realm belongs to Gaga, who has more than 27.8 million followers, with Bieber a hair behind at 25.8 million and Perry gaining ground at #3 with 24.2 million. Em, meanwhile, is way down on the list at #19 with 11.8 million followers.</P>

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